A review by gabidmgomes
Naked, by David Sedaris


I rarely write book reviews because I feel that my opinion on an author like David Sedaris doesn’t really matter. I don’t write books or essays as well as he does, but I felt compelled to say something about Naked, mainly because of the 1-star review with which many readers seem to agree.

So, I love David Sedaris. I have read numerous books of his—Me Talk Pretty One Day, Calypso, When You Are Engulfed in Flames, Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, and, of course, Naked—and I’ve never laughed aloud at a book as I have when reading his works. Naked is not my favorite of his, it’s likely my least favorite, but I still give it 4 stars, because it’s well-written and still hilarious to me at least. Naked is autobiographical and, from what I gather, one of the more honestly revelatory books of his that I’ve read. Indeed, it encompasses a specific period of time of his life that was clearly not the easiest for him; he didn’t have everything figured out and freely offers that reality to the reader. And with his style of writing—a complete exposé of himself in many of rights and in wrongs—we as readers are bound to come across things that we dislike or cringe at. But that’s what I actually admire the most: he’s so authentic in revealing these parts of himself that many people cast away and hide from others, myself especially included in this category.

I wouldn’t let the author’s honest portrayal of himself discourage you from reading his other works. Instead, let it be your starting point to discover even more of his life in all its ingenuous and hilarious collections.