A review by readingbelle
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick


I'm currently taking a few deep breathes because the last few chapters of Hush, Hush just exhausted me! Phew!

I read a lot of angel, fallen angel, Nephilim books. I'm probably a bit obsessed with them if I'm honest with myself. This one felt a bit more like a supernatural thriller than a fallen angel book and that was okay. I mean there are angels and the things going on are because of angel powers but our MC, Nora, isn't really clued into that aspect for the majority of the book. That makes this read like a mystery.

I hate to review books like this because there is so much fun to be had in reading a book with a 'who is the big baddie' tagline that I don't want to type and spoil it.

Funny coincidence of this book that I didn't know until I read it. Set in Maine there is actually a scene where some characters go to Topsham, ME to the androscoggin river. I actually grew up (1-7 grade) in Topsham right on Main Street and played along that river many many times..that was fun to see.

Good points- overall I totally enjoyed the book and read it in about 4 hours. The stand out point for me was the pace. It is very fast paced, while sometimes a bit confusing bc there is so much going on. There a plenty of suspects for the title of 'big baddie' and as the story unfolds plenty of motives. I also liked that you are supposed to realize that Patch is fallen and he fell for a reason, he is not a glowing halo angel. Nora was an easy to like teenage girl but as a downer her BFF, Vee, I couldn't stand. Vee does get some redemption as some of the reasoning for her actions come to light late in the story.

Downers- the major downer I had with this book is the story between Nora and Patch. Since Patch is written in a way to confuse you, you don't know whether he is good or evil, it took me a while to have empathy for him. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to like him or not and I couldn't understand Nora's reaction to him other than pure instinct of lust. As the climax was coming I would have liked a bit more understanding between Nora and Patch as to their feeling for each other.

So overall I really like the book. I am not as smitten with Patch as many people seem to be but perhaps that will change as I move onto book two. My love affair with angels will continue in small part due to this book and the way Becca Fitzpatrick sees and writes her angels.