A review by redhobbit
Rebecca's World by Terry Nation


I loved this book when I was a child, so much that Rebecca and Captain K stuck in my mind long after I'd forgotten the finer points of the novel. Purely on the memory of enjoying it, I bought it for my nephew, who loved it so much he started gabbling to me about things I no longer knew. So, I decided to read it again.

Reading it as an adult made me originally see the narrative as a little too fast-paced and thin, but after two chapters, my criticisms were all forgotten. Fifteen years and an English degree may have passed, but I still fell into that book as though I were the same 7 year old sitting cross-legged on the Reading Carpet at Storytime.

Nation has written a classic (as you can tell if you ever decide to try and buy a copy of your own... phew!). The imagination, the characters and the message all combine into an effortless tale that everyone should enjoy. It is not without its faults, but as a child, the humour and the imagery were astounding. As an adult, it's not too far off the mark, either. My favourite character is still Captain K, the rather useless superhero. I'm pretty sure that will never change, now.

It's Alice in Wonderland and Doctor Who wrapped up in a huge ball of sass and creativity. Everyone should read this book at least once - if not for themselves, then to their children.