A review by gilmoreguide
Back to Work: Why We Need Smart Government for a Strong Economy by Bill Clinton


In this compact book about America’s current economic state former President Bill Clinton writes about where we are and what we can do. Fortunately, despite providing a tremendous amount of facts, figures, and statistics his prose is simple and interesting enough that the reader is neither overwhelmed or bored.

Clinton’s premise is that, despite the angry rhetoric of antigovernment groups, less government will only further weaken America and do nothing to halt our economic decline. His focus is on cooperation between corporations and smarter government rather then the bipartisan ‘every-man-for-himself’ gridlock. The book contains over 20 proposals in the areas Clinton feels are most critical to future success: unlocking the flow of money, jobs creation and increasing exports. A number of these proposals come from programs used by previous administrations that cost taxpayers little or nothing. Others are from respected non-partisan business analysts as well as from other countries who have implemented such programs successfully.

While written by a political leader this book approaches America’s issues from a business perspective. Unless politics are set aside and our leaders work together there’s likely to be a Pyrrhic victory for one group and a bleak future for everyone else.