A review by meganmreads
The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls by Claire Legrand


I loved this book! It was wonderful and fun and spooky. A perfect middle grade book that adults can enjoy as well. It’s the kind of book that wants to be read aloud. I can picture an English teacher reading this to her students. The illustrations, including the cover, were wonderful and captured the essence of the story quite well. I’d like to see this book become a movie, actually.

I can’t really explain what it was specifically that made me love this book so much. It was a light story, but also deep and mysterious at the same time. It’s a story that I want to share with others. It’s delightfully spooky, but not gory or too dark for children. I feel like it is on par with Coraline and The Nightmare Before Christmas and Matilda and things of that nature, while also being unique. And I’m a huge fan of spooky stories that aren’t gory and gross and I find less and less of that these days, so I enjoyed that aspect, too.

Victoria was an interesting character. She’s sort of like Hermoine –always good in school and smart and a bit know-it-all-ish. She’s annoying, but in a way that made her likeable. She was sharp and she had a lot of faith in herself, which I liked. She’s the kind of girl who always does the right thing, which is precisely why she finds herself in the predicament she was in!

I can’t imagine anyone not enjoying this story. I would definitely recommend it to others. It’s the kind of story I want to share and own a tattered copy of. My copy is far too new looking!