A review by shelfaddiction
Night Broken by Patricia Briggs


Originally posted on Shelf Addiction! Read the full review and more at Shelf Addiction

Night Broken has you in for a nonstop ride of emotions. Tons of action, witty banter, eye rolling moments, heart felt moments and a little heat on the side.

Adams ex-wife Christy is the worst. The B...yes, I called her a B and I'm sure you know what that stands for - is outrageous. Mercy is a saint to deal with that hot mess and protect the woman on top of it! In true Christy fashion, she runs to Adam looking for a place to hide out and get protection against a stalker/killer that's hunting her down. Unfortunately for everyone involved it's not that simple, it never is. Christy brings death and destruction along to Mercy and Adam's door. Not only are Mercy, Adam, and Jessie pulled in to her drama, the entire pack is as well. I think she's my most hated character of all time. Even though she's not a villain, she isn't innocent. Sure she loves Jessie (her daughter) and Adam in her own screwed up way, but she manipulates everyone around her and tells lies of omission on a regular basis, yet some how she gets away with it. Her actions put others in harms way, but she gets a pass just because she's human. Ridiculous.

...Continue reading the rest of the review on my blog Shelf Addiction