A review by wanderlustlover
Everything Reminds You of Something Else, Volume 240 by Elana Wolff


Thank you to Netgalley, Guernica Editions, and Elana Wolff for the chance to read and review this ARC;

While most of the poetry books I get from Netgalley bowl me over, every once in a while I'm bound to find one that isn't my specific cup of tea and Everything Reminds You of Something Else is definitely that. While the formatting for it being delivered to the iPad was a bit of a nightmare, squishing everything one after another without any spaces (at least I hope it was? I assumed it was, and if it isn't that would become another complaint to add to this list).

For me personally, I found the work disjointed and I found it hard to find a message in most of the small pieces or any kind of overarching connector for why they were all being published together. I wish the author well with finding the audience this is meant for, as one can tell she put a lot of work into it, even if it was not for me.