A review by apostrophen
Masked Mosaic: Canadian Super Stories by Claude Lalumière, Camille Alexa


Reading this as part of my Short Stories 366 project. Reviews for some of the stories will appear on my blog under this tag.

Overall, this one was a mixed bag for me. Partly that's my fault: I went in with a certain expectation of superheroes and super-villains and only about a third of the stories hit that expectation (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just wasn't what I was looking for at the time). The other issue involved a few stories feeling outright hostile to me as a queer reader—one in particular threw around a few slurs, and the "heroine"'s thoughts made it clear the accusation of queerness was disgusting, so, y'know.

Highlights, though, definitely ticked the balance in the other direction, including Marie Bilodeau, Kristi Charish, Emma Faraday, D.K. Latta, and Silvia Moreno-Garcia, among others, and those stories will pop up on the blog as the days go by under that tag, above.