A review by mommasaystoread
Baby, I'm Howling for You by Christine Warren


3.5 stars
I waffled a bit on rating this one. The premise is really good and the story starts with a pull you in chase scene. My problem was that the story seemed to be almost suspended about halfway through, things were happening, but it wasn't really moving forward. Then, once it does gather some momentum and move forward, it's full speed ahead to the conclusion. What saved it for me was the wonderful cast of characters in this town. In fact, I found many of the secondary characters just as interesting, if not more so, than Renny and Mick. Make no mistake, Renny and Mick are good together and I enjoyed their banter. The dialogue overall was a big plus for me and the author's wit and sarcasm is great. The great characters and witty dialogue won me over and I will be interested to see what's next for this town of quirky shifters.