A review by let_the_wookie_read
Armageddons by Frederik Pohl, Nancy Kress, Raccoona Sheldon, Richard Cowper, William Barton, Howard Waldrop, Fritz Leiber, Gardner Dozois, Jack Dann, Geoffrey A. Landis, Sterling Blake, Larry Niven, Allan Danzig


I remember buying this from Barnes and Nobels back in 2000 or 2001 (back when I was just obsessed with anything that had apocalypse or Armageddon in the title). This has been my third time reading it since then and I still have my favorites. That being said there’s also those other stories that I remember skipping back in the day because they just weren’t up to par.

Fun story about this book- back in 2008 I couldn’t for the life of me remember the title of this book or find my paperback copy of it. I spent hours chain smoking and searching online for any little bit of a story that I could think of to try and find it. Needless to say I finally did, but I also turned and looked on my bookshelf to see it sitting right there.

Favorite story- A Pale of Air
Least favorite- Down in the Dark