A review by lauragessert
A Wolf at the Table by Augusten Burroughs


This author has always been one of my favorites .
As a school teacher people would always tell me most kids will come out fine as they tend to always have one good person in their life.
This book really kept me on the edge of my seat as he is such a great story teller . My only reason for not giving it 5 stars is that the structure was a little off going back and forth at the end however isn’t this like life our minds slip cable and forth even though we stand in the now . The book felt too heavily edited as well ( not the author’s fault ) I wish the book had been longer .
I relate to this story as I knew someone like his father once and it’s hard to put into words how damaging a person who is missing a part of their humanity can be towards others .
Looking forward to reading his most recent book “ Toil and Trouble”.