A review by cathepsut
Devil in Amber by Mark Gatiss


If you don't know Mark Gatiss, you should probably check out the British TV show A League of Gentlemen first, just to get into the right frame of mind for this romper. You don't have to read [b:The Vesuvius Club|838668|The Vesuvius Club (Lucifer Box, #1)|Mark Gatiss|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348057213s/838668.jpg|824241] first, although it is set about 20 years prior to this one. It might add to the amusement.

First sentence of the book:
"He was an American, so it seemed only fair to shoot him."

And the 5th sentence of page 23 (I'm pretty sure you've done that before, too....):
"Vetting recruits for evidence of transvestism?"

So be prepared for a very silly, gay and entertaining crime novel delving into the supernatural just a wee bit. Good fun! Next one is on my wishlist already.