A review by johnlynchbooks
The Body Will Follow by Rob E. Boley


4.5 rounded to 5 for good reads.

My most recent silver shamrock fix, the body will follow by Rob Boley is a book that I’m glad I went into without reading the back cover copy. I had zero expectations and was able to take this book for exactly what it was.

This is going to be a book that I feel you’re either going to love or hate. I love the way that Boley Mixed horror with black humor. It’s a twist on a possession tale, told from the first person. There is a lot of sexual content in here that may put some people off. A lot of talk of consensual sex and rape, a lot of talk of STD’s. So if that is going to be an issue for you to read, than this likely isn’t for you. This book deals a lot with what may happen AFTER a possession, rather than the lead up to it, and the duration of it followed by the conclusion. We start off possessed and what follows is everything after. I don’t want to say anymore because I think Boley did a lot here to differentiate his work from other possession tales.

My only complaint here is the ending. What the author was selling, I wasn’t buying. It wrapped up too neatly for me, and the “mystery” portion of this book felt like too much of a stretch for me to believe once it had been revealed at the end. That was the sole reason for me taking a half star from this.

If you’re looking for a possession story that is shocking, gross, horrific, and don’t mind the explicit and disturbing nature of the sexual stuff within. This is for you. I’ll be on the lookout for more by the author. Props to Silver shamrock for once again finding something that stands out and putting together an excellent package.