A review by lashaundaloves
The Killing Jar by R.S. McCoy


I received a copy of this novel from the author in exchange for an honest review. It in no way affects my opinion of the novel.

The Killing Jar was a great read for me! I loved the characters, especially the main character, Mable. No one is who they seem to be, and I love the development the characters make as they are thrust into new situations and environments. I also loved that the characters included so much diversity that didn’t feel forced or baiting. Every character serves a purpose… just when you’re almost at the end and you’re thinking, “This would have been better without this subplot or this character,” the purpose for that character or subplot is revealed or slightly revealed and you’re just like, “Oh, I see what you did there! I see where this is going.” It’s a bit of a slow-burn.

I absolutely loved the world building. Even more than the characters, this was probably my favorite aspect of the book. It was so easy to visualize all the different settings–the domed cities, the underground, the LRF, the greenhouse on the moon! I would love to see these come to life on screen some day!

I really love the idea of the bugs, and I’m curious to see what their purpose is (or if they really have one and are not just a plot device). I have my own suspicions about their existence and goal. I hope more time is spent on them, whereas in this installment, they’re just introduced. It’s obvious in that introduction that the author spent a lot of time giving each bug a distinct look, characteristics, and purpose, just like her characters.

I did have issues with some things in the book. First, there were a lot of spelling and grammar errors. They didn’t distract too much from the story, but they became so frequent that they were noticeable, especially in the 2nd half of the novel. Second, the timeline is a bit fast. As much as I loved the characters and their development, I feel it should have been spaced out a little more. Entire relationship dynamics changed between people in the span of about 3 weeks, whereas I think it would have been more realistic if everything took place in the span of 3 months or even more. And my third and final issue is Theo; he needs to go!

In conclusion, I would definitely recommend The Killing Jar. It’s an interesting and entertaining sci-fi with complex and beautiful three-dimensional characters and amazing world building.