A review by jazzyjan94
Princess Mia by Meg Cabot


This review appears on my blog: https://confessionsofabookwormweb.wordpress.com/2020/08/24/book-review-princess-mia-the-princess-diaries-9-by-meg-cabot/


Princess Mia starts almost exactly a few hours after the end of Princess on the Brink. Mia is freaking out as she waits for Michael's plane to land in Japan and for him to call her and take her back. However, when he does call her, it's to break up with her with the hopes of still being friends.

Mia is heartbroken and sprials into depression. She spends all day in bed and starts binge eating. Her friends and family are worried about her and force her to see a psychologist - which at first she doesn't want to do. She also reluctantly goes back to school, where she is already failing. It also doesn't help that she's gained wait and none of her clothes fit. Enter Lana Weinberger, who offers to go shopping with her. They soon become friends and decide to let bygones and bygones.

Also, Mia has been asked to give a speech at the Domina Rei society gala, which she reluctantly accepts. Grandmere tries to help prepare her for her speech by going through some of Mia's grandfather's works. However, she becomes intrigued with a portrait of Princess Amelie who ruled Genovia for 12 days during the Plague over 400 years before, especially when she discovers that she also kept a diary.

Mia also discovers a document drafter and signed by Amelie declaring that Genovia should be a consitutional monarchy. When Grandmere and Mia's dad hear about it, they are not impressed and are extremely dismissive of it. However, with the encouragement of her psychologist, she reveals this news to the world during her speech.

And while all this is going on, J.P. has declared his love for Mia and vows to wait for her until she is over Michael and ready to move on.

Overal, this was a better installment in the series, probably because something else happened that didn't revolve around Michael. I also like how Mia starts to mature a ittle bit and even takes a bold stance against Grandmere and her dad's wishes. Honestly, this was a delight compared to the previous three books in the series. 4/5 Stars.