A review by novelsallnight
Shadow of Flame by Caitlyn McFarland


Review originally found on Novels all Night

Two months ago Kai Monahan’s life changed forever when she was thrust into the world of dragons…Rhy’s world. For two months since becoming heartsworn to Rhys, Kai has been trying to resume her life in Colorado without any contact with him. When it suddenly becomes unsafe for her to remain in Colorado she finally goes with Rhys to Eryri, the dragons’ home. Even there Kai remains a secret from everyone except for their small circle of trusted friends because even though Rhys thinks he may be falling in love with her, he’s scared of the council’s reaction when they find out. Kai remains conflicted, she remembers the way Rhys took control of her magic but she also remembers the feelings she had when they kissed. While spending time with him Kai’s feelings for Rhys grow but when their secret is out..politics, war, and spies threaten their new found happiness.

Now this is the first series I’ve ever read that included dragons…and I’m officially in love. I feel like the first book in this series, Soul of Smoke, got me hooked by introducing me to the world where dragons exist and introducing me to all the characters. Shadow of Flame got me completely addicted to the series by really getting me to care about all the characters. In a lot of books I read, you really get to know the main character and the love interest….there’s always some friends and side characters but most of the time you don’t get to know those secondary characters very well. With this book, I cared about what happened to ALL the characters. For instance, Juli and Ashem, the best friend and her heartsworn… this series could easily be centered around them instead of Kai and Rhys. I’ve never read a series where I become so emotionally invested in all the characters. The tension and drama that surrounds all these characters is amazing and made the book impossible to put down.

Aside from the amazing characters, Caitlyn McFarland creates a beautiful world where dragons live hidden from society and are at war with each other. The first book introduced us to the dragons but this book gives you an in depth look into their world. We finally find out what Eryri, their home, is like and how they all live and interact with each other. Again, I couldn’t get enough! I love when I read a fantasy book and find myself wishing it was real…Shadow of Flame did that for me.

It feels like I’m just raving randomly about this book but it’s because I found it so wonderful! Everything gets taken up a notch from the first book in the series. There’s more romance..and not just for the main characters. No one is safe from drama…and I mean no one! The action is more intense and we get to see more of how the war between the dragons impacts everyone. There’s something for everyone in this book and this series just keeps getting better and better! I can’t wait to see what’s in store for everyone in the next book! So would I recommend reading this book? YES! Anyone who loves fantasy, romance, or action will find something to love in Shadow of Flame.

**I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review**