A review by lynseyisreading
Darkside Sun, by Jocelyn Adams


Come over to the dark side.

This was soooo much fun! It's got to be one of the most entertaining YA/NAs I've read in a long time. It had a heroine I loved who managed to find her inner badass, even surrounded by people who were determined to bring her down. It had a new supernatural twist with wraiths being enemy number one, and a league of enforcers called The Mortal Machine tasked with keeping them under control. It had a forbidden and complicated romance that was just gah! *dies* Seriously, if you're looking to escape into a book for a few hours, one that will put a grin on your face and entertain the heck out of you, this might just be it!

I really loved the worldbuilding used in Darkside Sun. It's always nice to see new ideas being used instead of the same old same old, and wraiths coming from an alternate dimension attempting to posses human hosts is definitely a new spin for me! One I really enjoyed. Another really great aspect was the interplay between all the members of The Machine. There were some twisty, untrustworthy ones in there, some blatantly bitchy ones, but also a few who were kind of adorable. But the best part of all has to be main characters (and love interests) Addison and Asher!

Addison's personality jumps right off the page. She's just so endearing and likeable. Asher is a little more complicated and closed off, but I absolutely loved the snippets of his back story that we got which showed some of the reasons why he is the way he is. Of course, Asher is also a bit of a butthead for much of the book, and continually makes bad decisions, ignoring all advice to the contrary. Never more so than at the end! I guarantee, the ending of this book will have you SCREAMING for more! I need need need need need need to know what's going to happen next!

A highly recommended, highly entertaining read. - 5 Stars ★★★★★

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.