A review by iphigenie72
After the Parade by Lori Ostlund


There is so many ways to discover a book you've never heard of before. This one came to my attention from a review by Off the Shelf what a great review if was, http://offtheshelf.com/2017/04/after-the-parade-by-lori-ostlund/, it completely convinced me that I needed to read this book... next.

The story is about Aaron: we meet him in the present where he completely changes his life moving from Albuquerque to San Francisco, leaving his partner of more than 20 years; but we also get to meet Aaron at different ages and see what forged him and made him who he is. I liked how sometimes the older Aaron understandings of events made them more rounded even though the younger Aaron did not get all the nuances of what he was living; the hindsight doesn't happen often, but when it does, it always make sense.

There is in this book so many fascinating characters, complex and satisfying. What a wonderful read, I wouldn't have minded if it had been longer though it is probably perfect length.