A review by copiouspep
Stealing Luna by Carla de Guzman


What a great art heist! The entire plot was about stealing from the undeserving rich that take from their people and I loved every minute of it. I loved the plot twist and how smart and well-thought out Cora’s plan was.

Cora is a very independent and sassy main character. She knows how to have fun, does magic tricks, and can communicate with folding fans. She loves her people and has strong friendships with other women. In fact, Nina from The Queen’s Game plays a role in this story as well. She comes from a line of art thieves and loves her work and looks up to the previous women in her family.

Luis is Cora’s old friend from college. They had a falling out when she confessed her feelings for him and he denied her because of what was happening with his father. He ends up being her body guard and follows her to Barcelona, where she plans to steal a painting from corrupt people.

I loved how Cora didn’t forgive Luis as soon as they started talking again. It took them some time to regain their friendship even though there was still lingering chemistry from their college years. When they did end up together, it was natural. And Luis really knew how to apologize.

I loved the real-world aspect woven into this story. There are discussions about how some artists can be terrible people no matter how pretty their art is, how corrupt politicians can wreck a country and the economy, and Carla did not skimp on telling the different ways that colonizers affected Cincamarre. Two lesbian side characters are heavily involved in the plot as well. They’re not ashamed of who they are and they very clearly love each other. Bless.

I’m looking forward to seeing what the author has in store for us!

I received an ARC by the author in exchange for an honest review.