A review by kirkw1972
The Garden of Bewitchment by Catherine Cavendish


I'm really enjoying discovering the books released by Flame Tree Press. It's re-awakened by love of horror stories and this one is no exception. A fascinating tale of supernatural and the tricks the mind can play on us. 

I love the setting. I don't lie that far from the Moors and having seen them the bleakness is a brilliant setting for this story. I love the Victorian time period and all their superstitions and beliefs (from a distance, not sure I would love it if I lived then) and I think it all comes together perfectly here. The board game if flat out creepy. It makes Jumanji seem almost sane. It's weird and a little scary and did leave me feeling a little bit disturbed which is no mean feat. 

Overall really enjoyed this and will definitely go and read the authors other works.