A review by lilyn_g
Discovery Spaceopedia: The Complete Guide to Everything Space by Discovery


Discovery Spaceopedia, suitable for ages 6-106, is a wonderful font of information for everything and anything the average person wants to know about space. From basic information on our earth's atmosphere, to fun facts like the oldest or coldest object in the solar system, readers are sure to find something in there to intrigue or awe them.

A fun book to browse by yourself, or explore with your first-grader, its filled with beautiful pictures and "Ask Hakeem" snippets that helpfully answer basic questions like "Why is the sky blue?" Our household particularly enjoyed the sections on the Mars Rovers, comets, and star qualities.

Discovery Spaceopedia is well worth the price, as its something you can easily pick up and browse the pages for years to come.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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