A review by foomple
Current Futures: A Sci-Fi Ocean Anthology, by Kaela Graham, Catherynne M. Valente, Gu Shi, Lauren Beukes, Rosanna Tasker, Brenda Cooper, Michela Buttignol, Vandana Singh, Alyssa Winans, Kirsten Zirngibi, Nancy Liang, Mohale Mashigo, Elizabeth Bear, Tracy J. Lee, Marie Lu, Ann VanderMeer, Gwyneth Jones, Jing Jing Tsong, Jazmen Richardson, Priscilla Kim, Malka Ann Older, Karen Lord, Chiara Zarmati, Daria Kirpach, Madeline Ashby, Nalo Hopkinson, Deborah Biancotti, Carolina Rodriguez-Fuenmay, Rochita Loenen-Ruiz, Kameron Hurley, Sheila Finch, Ken Liu, Andreea Dobrin Dinu, Cornelia Li, Brenda Peynado, Ayelet Raziel, Christina Dill, Robin Eisenberg


I'll come back and update this review when I've read more of them, but for now, this rating is just for Mother Ocean by Vandana Singh. I just can't even put words to why I love it so much. It's absolutely wonderful, and you can read her story at the link above. The art for this one is by Jing Jing Tsong, and I'm a tiny bit disappointed that this already exists in GR as an anthology, because my entry for the story as a stand-alone could have included the artist's illustration.