A review by aprilk
Firewalker, by Josephine Angelini


Firewalker picks up immediately after Trial by Fire ends. If you have not read Trial by Fire there is no way I can avoid some spoilers for that book in this review but I will try my best to keep them smallish. The first half of this book takes place in our world so even though it had it's strifes and complications arise it was not nearly as action packed as the second half of the book. But since the book does get rather intense I did enjoy the fun banter and silliness of Rowan trying to argue with Lily about Star Wars and such for as long as that lasted. It was rather charming but made me hate him a little more later on when...whoa! I am getting way ahead of myself so let me rein myself in a little. Anyhow so after sometime in this world Lillian proves to Lily that she needs to come back to her world. At first I didn't believe that there could be any excuse for the things that Lillian had done but as time progressed I couldn't believe the things that she showed Lily. Those "things" were rather gruesome by the way and pretty horrific if you ask me, so tread carefully if considering this book for younger readers or those who are sensitive to gore and vivid descriptions. Anyhow once they are back in Lillian's world things really pick up and I just could not stop reading until I knew everything I could about what was going to happen. I was very surprised by a particular persons reaction to a certain situation and even more shocked by their actions. I am hoping that there was more to that than what we were shown and hope somehow it can save my original perception of this person. I feel like I am close to just blabbering here trying so hard to avoid major spoilers while also trying to describe my reactions to Firewalker. I mean I was glued to the pages and couldn't find out quick enough what was going on... What's with the Woven? What about Lily and Rowan? What about Lily and Tristan? Then when I though that I was finally getting some answers I was also getting more questions. Then BAM!!! my heart was wrenched from my chest and the ending hit me like a ton of bricks. How the author manages to rip me into shreds emotionally while also leaving me with hope for this new discovery is a true talent. I am both sad and anxious and I really need the next book like yesterday!

** I received this book in exchange for my review. I reviewed this book for Mindingspot.blogspot.com ** Review will be posted there shortly. **