A review by addy1991
Arabella: by Georgette Heyer


Parts of this were highly entertaining but overall I was disastisfied with the character herself. From the beginning, she was not a person I would admire for being daring or showing intelligence. Her main focus was to have a London season even though her upbringing was modest ... the eldest daughter of EIGHT children (4 of each) and father is a vicar. Her one lie snowballed out of control and I am amazed that it didn't come to light in some fashion during the course of the story since she wasn't raised with proper etiquette to pull it off. The romance pairing was obvious as soon as they introduced his character and at the same time annoying because I don't see them as a couple. His falling for her and then convincing her to return his favors was over the top and I truly can't see someone of his wealth and status being so inclined.