A review by shealwaysreads
A Harvest of Stars by Cecily Wolfe


With an ailing mother and an abusive stepfather, Locklyn found herself growing up in the fallen shadows of her mother small hometown in Kentucky. The community turned a blind eye after several attempts to mediate the home life with no success.

This book follows the journey of Locklyn Gaines and Isaiah Parker. From there first meeting on the bust, through high school. In this realistic fiction novel you see the pain that crosses Locks life daily and Isaiah struggling to find a way to help her. Wolfe Captured the meaning of everlasting friendship in the purest of forms. Well executed and manipulated scenes that show fear, joy and hope all from the rightful age perspective of our two main characters.

Throughout this journey Lucy Gaines ( Locklyn’s mother) memories are incorporated with lesson that pertain to the current page’s following Locklyn, offering lessons of life that she never had the chance to teach Locklyn. As Lock faces the challenge brought onto her by her stepfather and his despicable ways.

While reading this book your heart will ache for Locklyn. As I mentioned before this is a realistic fiction. But instead of the story being told before it was too late for anything to be done, you get the story from the beginning, from when it starts. You see how Locklyn deals with her life and how Isaiah copes with the surroundings that are doing nothing to protect his life long friend.

You won’t regret picking this book up. The only downfall I found was that it was such a quick read. While it was a quick read I do believe the author added all that she could to bring the story to life and bring forth the issues in today’s society that often cover the front pages of our newspapers.

The book ending is abrupt and normally that would get on my last nerve,but it worked for this book it started ended just the way started leaving wanting more. I look forward to reading Starlight ( a sequel to A Harvest of Stars ).