A review by littlecornerreads
Pride and Precipitation by Heather Horrocks


(In case you were wondering, this book contains innuendos, pop culture references, instalove, and vomit-inducing "romance")

I found this on my shelf because I guess I'd downloaded it at some point. It must have been free because I refuse to spend money on books I haven't read, and after reading it, I'm not surprised Amazon was giving it away. I mean, when a book summary starts out with, "PG-RATED FUN that's been professionally edited," you're not exactly expecting quality. I knew not to have high hopes for this, but I thought it'd be a cute, somewhat corny retelling that might help pass a lazy quarantine day. Spoiler alert: it wasn't.

It started out fairly promising with allusions to Mrs. Bennett's nerves (complaints that people are going to give her a heart attack) and an overheard insult...and then it all went downhill from there. It's hard to find similarities between Pride and Prejudice and whatever this was. Breezy started out as a cutesy, cheery protagonist who read more like some weird Mary Sue than any reincarnation of Elizabeth Bennett. I think the problem was that Horrocks treated Pride and Prejudice as a simple love-hate relationship, so we ended up with some weird generic chick-flick-like story instead of anything resembling the supposed source material. The book is filled with instalove, a Cinderella makeover from schoolgirl to sexy (yes, that's how she's described), and cringe-worthy writing and romance (see examples in my status updates below).

I'm guessing Heather Horrocks is a "USA Today Bestselling Author" because her books are free, so it "sells" a lot. I'm all for taking advantage of freebies, but do yourself a favor and give this one a hard pass. As much as I love finishing terrible book series, I won't be keeping up with the Chick Flick Clique.