A review by trish204
The Beasts Who Fought for Fairyland Until the Very End and Further Still by Catherynne M. Valente


Bloody hell. Literally.

You know what has happened to 99.9% of people ever since a certain orange man was elected to the most powerful office on this planet. Well, I'm not usually one to discuss this as a rational discussion often isn't happening anymore since both sides prefer to just hurl insults at one another and be unreasonable. However, there is no denying that the orange man is a bad person. If he turns out to be a bad ruler, remains to be seen. Thus, it is only natural that certain people, the most colourful and glittery especially, have reacted with fear after that fateful November and had reason to as well if we look at the incidents that the orange man has provoked within some of the most dreadful people that could live on this planet. I don't agree with all points on either side, I'm somewhere in the middle; I don't agree with the panic for example. But I understand why people, who see themselves walking through a dark and scary forest, need a fairy light to shine them the way.

Valente is an author. Valente is a woman. Valente has been told to shut up because "her kind has lost". That is a direct quote and is there anything more stupid or uncreative one could have said?! But Valente is also one to NOT shut up because she has understood something: silence can only make it worse.
Thus, she took the advise of some quite abusive trolls on Twitter and literally went back to Fairyland. They wanted it, they got it.

This is the result.
This is the story of the fight for Fairyland when the Marquess took over. It features three old friends (one of which I did not expect here, to be perfectly honest). It is an explanation of what has happened and why and it offers comfort as any fairy light guiding you through a dark forest should.

Her solution might be a bit too simplistic as political matters are never simple (saying No, being defiant, is the right thing to do when faced with injustice, but you also need to be careful what you are saying Yes to in turn), but her heart is definitely in the right spot and this woman knows how to write!

I am a fan. A critical fan, but nevertheless a fan. Her words are radiant, her message important, the world she has created seems to have no boundaries. This is an important though very short piece and yes, I've had tears in my eyes.

A little less hate and a little more magic. That's what we all need in our lives. And don't be afraid of the magic, it always only does what you tell it to do. You have the spoon. Use it wisely and compassionately.