A review by readlovereviewblog
Curse of the Fallen by H.C. Newell


This book is all about the quest. The destination is the same, but the purpose is different for each character. Some want it to take away a curse for themselves or another. Some want to tag along for a story to share.

I love the map at the beginging of the book super helpful when learning about a new realm. I find it interesting that the Brotherhood and the Order of Saro have similar rules except for the final one.

Neer or Nerana has magic, but she can't use it as it is cursed to alert the Saro when she does and is searching for a way to break it so she can stop hiding and running. Her friends Gil and Loryk are helping her. This book starts with a bang, and I noticed the author uses many words that are accented. I love how the author included the child of the Skye and divine mystery in the book. The old-world magic and hidden caves are exciting to read about.

Neer finds some clues and trouble in a hidden cave and now knows the next move of her quest. She must go to the trial of blood; on her journey, she groups up with an elf who is going the same direction and, after some detours, finds another to add to her party. The author gets into her history and friends, which is impressive to read about and understand the characters. As they get closer to the quest, the magic in this book gets darker. The trials are no joke seriously messed up, and the characters reveal their true selves in them. Want to know the ending? You'll have to read this one for yourself. But every minute of this book is action-packed and twisted.

I love how the author was so descriptive in the book. This story was action and adventures packed. Neer is an extraordinary heroine who still has a heart in most of the story. I think because she was good, she appealed to me in the books. I loved the inclusion of the elves and other species in this story. The author did get dark with memories and the trials themselves, but it was a fascinating fantasy read.

I look forward to reading more about Nerana's adventures and what happens next.