A review by comicbookchick25
How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found by Sara Nickerson


How to Disappear Completely and Never be Found
4/5 stars

Ok. So when I was in high school I got this for free from the school library when they were getting rid of books. I then was supposed to buddy read this with my friend but it didn't work out. Fast forward 4 years and I was trying to figure out if I should still keep this or not, or if I'd ever get around to it. So for October this year, since it's spooky I decided to pick it up. I am glad I did.

The Plot:
Was erie and felt like a more intricate R.L. Stine novel. Creepy abandoned mansion, a family death and the mystery behind that, comic books, and rats? It was so layered and although it's middle grade it doesn't dumb down or tone down it's content to belittle it's younger audience.

The Characters:
I loved them all man.

I thought she felt very relatable in how she was closed off to others and really cared for her since page one. But she was at times frustrating. If I were her I would've read the comic before dismissing it as useless. And she was totally rude to one of the first friends she made. Like it's fine if you don't believe in the same things but there was no reason to treat him the way she did.

Was a sweetheart, I loved him. I too am friendless and obsessed with comics.

Was so pure and really embodied what it is to be the younger sister.

I wanted to feel bad for her, but I just couldn't stand her.

He was such a fascinating character and he's creative and I just loved his backstory.

If you are looking for a fun mystery/thriller middle grade with fun comic artwork to pick up, this was fantastic.