A review by pontmercying
Die Liga der außergewöhnlichen Gentlemen, Vol. 1, by Alan Moore


i wanted more from this story, because i love the concept so much, but sadly, it's just less than mediocre. i liked mina murray and her scarf a lot, but a lot of the other characters i couldn't stand, and the whole thing came with a side portion of racism and sexism (plus some non-consensual pregnancies everyone just completely skipped over) that i guess tried to be "historically accurate for 1898" but made me want to vomit (as this "argument" always does). for some reason, this edition includes a goosebumps-like story in the end that i had to skip because i was already so tired of the characters. i might still burn through volume two, but i have very low expectations now. and it's sad, it really is. this could have been great.