A review by fakespy05
From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, by Elizabeth Schaefer


While this collection was , on the whole, better than the previous collection, it suffered from some of the same problems I had with the first. I noticed that multiple authors used the same minor characters but their personality changed or their story did away with what a previous author did to a character. I also noticed that a few times the timeline of the stories jumped backwards in time. Since the stories in these collections are meant to be told in sequence based on the movie’s timeline it was a bit jarring. My final problem with this collection is it leans way too hard into the villain doubting/betraying their beliefs trope. Almost every POV from a villain turns into them doubting or full on betraying the Empire. That trope doesn’t make sense to me since all of these POVs are from Empire Strikes Back which is a movie where the bad guys win. Again, I believe this is a problem with the editor of the book and not a problem with the authors.

There are some big names writing in this collection. My favorite stories were told by SA Chakraborty and Alexander Freed. Most of the stories were good with only 1 that I skipped after a few pages.