A review by bookishnicole
Conjured by Sarah Beth Durst


I’m sorry to admit that this was my first Sarah Beth Durst book. I am so sorry for my ignorance. I knew who she was, I had heard of her, but never had I experienced her brilliance. This book was clever and so original that I adored nearly every moment of it. I almost didn’t want it to end, but I felt so happy and content with it that I’m alright with this book staying a standalone.

The only reason that I’m not giving this book a full 5 stars is because the first 50 pages were very slow and I was thrown by the third person perspective. I’ve said time and time again that I’m not a big fan of that perspective and that it tends to leave me feeling a little lost, but once I got used to it in this book, I really adored it and gobbled the book up.

I loved falling into this world. I really felt for Eve as she struggled to hold onto her memories of her life before. I wish that Eve and Malcolm’s relationship had been explored a little more because it was obvious from the start that he cared for her, and I wish we could have seen a little bit more of that paternal affection.

I do feel that the book was a little short for something with such a unique plot. There were so many aspects that I would have loved to learn a little bit more about. I loved how different all the characters were, I especially loved Zach who reminded me a lot of Henry from Grey’s Anatomy. He was quirky and forward and made me laugh out loud at some points.

This book is great and a perfect book to pick up and learn more about how awesome Sarah Beth Durst is. I actually got to meet her at BEA this year which was so awesome, although I am so bummed that I couldn’t get this book signed by her (Since I didn't have it....).