A review by bluuejeans
Before I Wake by Rachel Vincent


I CANT WAIT! 23/6/12

Book thirtyseven/fiftytwo;
well, I did my waiting , and I am glad.
It took me quite a while to finish it, and it had nothing to do with the plot. I simply didnt have enough time, what with discovering London and all. Because if that little detail wasnt there the book would've been finished the day it was borrowed from the library.
I had missed her, K and Tod. And it was good reading of them again.
It was exciting and terrefing, I mean if demons can cross over that easily, well its not that easy, but if they know the formula, things are getting daaangerous here.
And poorpoor emma. How many people has she lost now? among all of them herself, she cant be with her family anymore, cant go to school or be herself around people she used to know. That must be a scary thing, and is it worth it then? coming back from death, but loosing so much?
What K is going through isnt easy either, I mean with the sort of hate/pleaselovemeK from Nash, and the guilt of Em and all Alec on her shoulder, leaving out all the thing she had to stab just to save them, and lets not forget about the sort of not living issue. It sucks, lucky she has Tod and that she can go invisible&inaudiable at wish, because otherwise it would suck, like for real.

Book six, I'm waiting for you.