A review by jjmaclean
Judas Unchained by Peter F. Hamilton


I *really* enjoyed the first book - between the Prime aliens, the SI, and other one-off aliens it really felt like an incredible world; it's like nothing I've read before. However, this isn't as good for a few reasons:
1) The wrap up at the end has nearly everyone who was not explicitly killed magically surviving through various means, it really took away the risk those characters took at the end and watered it down.
2) The entire SI plot goes nowhere. This maybe more fully developed in the Void series, but it was a huge unresolved issue. Why did it choose Mellanie and why did it barely intercede even though the Prime aliens were hell bent on destroying everything in the universe?
3) Speaking of Mellanie, she was a terrible character: sleeping her way around, not contributing a thing on her own without her sexual partners or the SI. I had thought she would grow in the second book at be able to hold her own, but alas that wasn't to be. Unfortunately most of his depictions of women in this book are terribly dated at best.