A review by lali21
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, by Alexander Freed


Novelizations are always so fun to read. They always, always offer a little more information, emotion, and tidbits that the movies weren't able to show us. That is, of course, the case with this particular novelization.

I absolutely loved Rogue One. When I saw it, something about the film blew my mind. Maybe it was the fact this was a story simply of rebels. Maybe it was the group of strange, random, and unexpected people coming together for one purpose. Maybe, like all Star Wars films show us, it was the story of hope that got to me. So, when I learned there was a novelization, I wanted to get my hands on it as soon as possible. And this novelization did not fail to make me love the story even more than I already did.

We got a little bit more backstory, emotion, and thoughts from the all the characters I had fallen in love with in the movie. It was all welcome, and at the same time, I wish I had more. What was given in the book, though, was perfect, and it was the right amount. Too much would have deviated from the story. Plus, this leaves it open for, hopefully, more novels on the characters in the future. (It may be bias, but I would love to read novels/stories about Cassian and Bodhi. I just want more backstory).

If you enjoy novelizations, and you enjoyed this movie as much as I did, I would most definitely recommend giving this one a read. It will leave you as emotional as the film did (if not more).