A review by elliemcc11
All That Glitters by Holly Smale


I received this book from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an honest review.

I'd heard a little about the Geek Girl series, and seen the books around and they looked fun. I've been reading a little more YA recently and have been surprised that I have enjoyed the books I've read. I'm writing this review from my point of view, bearing in mind I'm an adult of pre-school children, rather than a parent of teens, or indeed the age of the target audience.

Personally, I think this book suits an audience of 11-13 year olds, possibly 10-11 years as well. From reviews I've read it seems the earlier books were based in school, whereas this begins with the main character starting 6th Form and her A Levels. For some teens this might not be as appealing, in terms of environment, but as the character matures, so her environment changes. I think what the book does well is show that it's okay to be quirky, and not follow the crowd, and I think this is a powerful message for the intended audience.

For me personally, whilst the book started humourously enough with her going to school on the wrong day, and being dressed in an array of colours and styles, the overall writing style began to wear on me. This is no reflection on the author's ability - she writes well but it didn't work for me as an adult.

For me, I think this book is YA that appeals to its targeted audience rather than mass market and adult appeal. I think if I had children the age of the intended audience age then my opinion might be different, especially if I was reading it with them and sharing some of the ideas etc. At the moment I won't be looking to read any more books in the series, but that very well may change as my own children get older and are looking for new books to read.