A review by waxingquixotic
No Exit by Taylor Adams


I accidentally stumbled upon No Exit while poking around on Goodreads. Someone had recently reviewed it, I recognized the cover for some reason, I read the synopsis, and then a few days later I finished the book. It’s definitely a page-turning, action-packed, speed-reading thriller, and it hit me at a good time.

This is a perfect summer read. My intention was to read Us Against You since I finished Beartown and was on a pretty big Backman kick. Beartown was so damn heavy, though, so I needed something else to fill in the space before moving on to the sequel. Then, I just kind of stopped reading for a few days. Then, I found myself traveling to Nashville to visit family, and happened to find this book, which was a great read on the plane and during some downtime on vacation. It’s kind of like all those airplane movies you get to watch for free, like Moneyball or Sully. Not something you would go out of your way to consume, but if it’s available, and you e for some time to kill, why not? This book is the Moneyball or Sully of summer.

It’s very way to fly though this thing, too. It sets the stage pretty quickly before really pushing down on the gas pedal until a wild conclusion. Sometimes I found myself three steps ahead of the plot, not surprised by big twists and turns that were pretty obvious. Other times I rolled my eyes at dumb decisions the characters make that help set up the twists and turns. Sometimes I just didn’t care and rolled along with where the story took me. Honestly, if you just give it a shot and don’t think about it too much, this will pull you in and keep you interested until the end. Sure, it’s got its share of flaws and some of it is just silly, but who cares? It’s summer, and you’re just passing time anyway.

This is a solid three star read, in my opinion. There were times where I almost just stopped and looked up the ending online, but that’s no fun. There were times where I was just mowing it down and ripping through the pages. And, sure, at times I was just somewhere in the middle and just enjoying the craziness of the whole thing. This is a wild ride, man, and it’s worth a shot if you need something quick and thrilling to get you through a hot summer day. Or if you’re on a plane with some time to kill.