A review by findyourgoldenhour
A Beautiful, Terrible Thing: A Memoir of Marriage and Betrayal by Jen Waite


I expected this to be so much better.

I empathized with the author. What she experienced shouldn’t happen to anyone, and I’m glad she had the support system and the means to get out and move forward. And perhaps this book will be helpful to women who have gone through similar experiences; if you’ve ever been gaslit, it’s a huge relief to have someone else validate your experiences.

But it was so poorly written! (Blatant grammar mistakes! I cannot abide!) And there’s nothing really redemptive or instructive here: it’s just a woman telling you how her husband repeatedly lied and cheated on her, and how shocked she was when she first found out because she thought he was the perfect husband. Right. I got that from the book jacket.

There were several hints that implied her parents are very wealthy, which makes me suspect that perhaps she has connections in the publishing industry? Because I’m really having a hard time understanding how this got picked up by a major publisher.