A review by alexauthorshay
Now Write! Mysteries: Suspense, Crime, Thriller, and Other Mystery Fiction Exercises from Today's Best Writers and Teachers by Sherry Ellis, Laurie Lamson


Some of the exercises were actually quite useful. I haven't even done any yet and I already have some more ideas for my current novel and a more solid frame work for it. However, a lot of the essays, if not the exercises themselves, were quite similar and repetitive, particularly regarding the importance of setting and "show, don't tell." While I highly agree that both of these are important, considering the number of authors contributing to this work, I was hoping for a more diverse range of topics discussed. I was surprised to find any topic mentioned more than once; yes there is a formula of sorts for mystery writing, but there are so many successful authors that have to do it differently from each other--certainly they could find something else equally as important to write on?