A review by vailynst
Mountain Echoes by C.E. Murphy



After a bit of thought, I knocked the story from 4 stars to 3.5 Stars. I loved the last third of the book so much that it overshadows the parts that didn't really work for me.

Flying Petite!!! Woo! Shifting, time shenanigans, lots of bonding with key figures and progress in the romance department. Lots of good things to dwell over in this book.

The magic mechs are terrible and super inconsistent. The explanation about the twins and Aidan's powers did not hold water under close scrutiny. While the lore for a good chunk of the story was solid, the way it was used to "explain" why such and such is working/happening/etc did not work for me. There was a lot of mental shrugging and moving forward from my end.

Regardless of the sharp bits that didn't fit well, I really enjoyed the parts that did work for me within the story. YAY! Onto the last book! I can't believe it's almost over.

Ya know, I don't think Murphy wanted to end the series. There's so much that can be done and haven't been explored. I can't believe that there's only one more book left!