A review by lucy_qhuay
My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent


Well, this book was full of surprises, which is good, giving that if you know what is going to happen, a book becomes boring and it's not worth reading anymore.
Like I said before, I didn't quite know what to think about Nash. He seemed to be a player with some hidden agenda and I wasn't enjoying what I saw. --'
But in My Soul To Keep he is a huge asshole! --'
OMG! The things he did to poor Kaylee! :S
If I was her, I would never in my life talk to him again! In fact, I would beat the crap out of him because he had absolutely no right to do what he did! --'
No matter how hard you want something, if that depends on another person and it is her decision to give it to you or not, you have to respect that person and her decision! You can't force things!
But whatever, this only made me more sure that Nash doesn't deserve Kaylee.
Tod, well, here is a decent guy! :) He would never in his life do what his brother did. I am looking forward to know even more about him. :)
I only hope that Kaylee sees the light and turns her back on Nash, the idiot, seeing the good in Tod. :)
What more? Huum, it was really interesting the whole situation about the demon's breath and the students shooting that like common drugs. They were really dumb! :S
I was happy to see Addison once again, though it was really a bittersweet moment because we know that she is dead and suffering horribly. :(
*Sigh* Looking forward to know what happens next...