A review by scostner
The City on the Edge of Forever #1 by J.K. Woodward, Juan Ortiz, Scott Tipton, David Tipton


I love classic Star Trek, "City on the Edge of Forever" is a favorite episode, and Harlan Ellison is a favored writer. All of that made me very curious about this graphic adaptation. It differs from the episode in that Spock and Kirk go back in time to chase down a crewman named Beckwith rather than Dr. McCoy. The rest of the main points of action mostly follow the script of the episode, for those who are familiar with it. The artwork does a very nice job of capturing the faces of the main characters and there are plenty of details in the scenes to fit the time period. Those who have never seen the show can still enjoy this classic Ellison story about making impossible choices between love and duty.

I read an e-book provided by the publisher through NetGalley.