A review by geekxgirl
Where I Belong by J. Daniels


2.5 Stars

I don't have too much to say about this book. It was good. I enjoyed it. It was hot and boy there was a ton of steam and dirty talk. Phew! But there were a handful or moments between both Mia and Ben I wanted to bang my head into the wall. For instance, Ben's instant pursuit of Mia when he realizes she was his one night stand. I mean, I get he wanted another chance with her, even more now that he knew who she was. But come on. He went from sweet to obsessive alpha in three seconds. And hey, I'm all for Alpha baby but the obsessive bit didn't sit well with me especially when it seemed like he was forcing his feelings on her and not considering how she felt about him. The past they shared wasn't great and from what we were told of how he treated her, yeah, she had every freaking reason to run in the opposite direction. And his pressure to change her mind made me want to slap his sexy face and tell him to ease up, bro! But in the end he leveled out and became the sweetheart I was expecting. While Mia took the reigns in frustrating me by trying to get him out of the friend zone when all she had to do was get naked or just tell him she wanted to be more than friends. Instead she drops hints all over the place and surprisingly Ben doesn't catch on. He thinks she's just being an "open" and "honest" friend by talking about sex. Hah! That build-up and part of the story annoyed me because it felt really pointless and silly. So I was so happy when they finally got back together. Everything that followed was great. Hot as hell and sweet. The ending though...man, no. The whole driving to find her was completely ridiculous and over the top. No way that is a real life thing. And even more so was Mia before that. Her doubting Ben's feelings for her because he didn't answer his phone or call her back within what, like four or six hours?! Come on! She went from grown adult to teenager jumping to conclusions and losing her shit. And reverting back to "omg i totally hate him now" and that's where I lost my love for Mia. Even with the HEA and epilogue that was sweet and made me happy I still couldn't get over that!