A review by maryam162424
Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now by Dana L. Davis


This was a really good book. There are many aspects of this book that were so new to me that it was a nice read. I’m always amazed by how much I can learn from reading a book.

Truthfully, I never even heard of Jehovah’s Witnesses so reading about and seeing a family that are witnesses was interesting. I really liked how the author shows the hypocrisy that can be in a person even though they claim to be firm believers. Many people are like in each distinct religion and I loved how this book acknowledges the fact that religion does mean to hate towards others.

I also loved the aspect of family in this book, especially between Tiffany and her new sisters. The way she was with her sisters and the way she helped them was really nice. Especially when Tiffany supported a sister after she confessed of committing a sin. I think Tiffany was extremely understanding at that point even though she had different beliefs.

I liked how true Tiffany’s voice was. She felt everything around her so deeply and was so compassionate. Each character in this book has some kind of development and I think that was so
Important to show because since Tiffany was new to this family, obviously things would change.

A nice read but also important. It talks a lot about religion and the existence of God (at the end of this book, I knew I was supposed to walk away knowing everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, even if I may not agree, it should not change the way we treat them, with respect). It also talks about anxiety and ocd, something I really appreciated. I thought the presentation of these things were pretty accurate. It also acknowledges the fact that EVERYONE is different. In race, personality, beliefs, etc., but it does not change the fact that everyone deserves the same treatment.