A review by katkejt
Point of Contact by Melanie Hansen


Trevor • Jesse… ♾️.

“I’m just glad I got to love you first.” 


“…it was okay, that nobody here was afraid to die, not really. Hell, dying was easy. Being left behind, having to live with everything they were seeing—and doing— That was the really scary part.” 


“The thing is, that picture’s changed a bit, though.” - “How?” - “Because you’re in it now.”


You know when you feel that something shifted, something changed your course. This book was that. I am leaving my heart beside it. 

100/10. No notes. 


Sleeping At Last - Heart 


“Just let him come home.” // “’Cause we goin’ to war, boys. We goin’ to war.” // “It’s just us.” // “Not only are you my best friend, but the two of us together, we’ll own that shit.” // “All the guys are good, Riles.” // “Easy peasy.” // “…that this was the only memory he wanted imprinted on his mind and heart.” // “You wanna go hiking with me, just get out of the house for a while?” // “Because his existence didn’t matter if I’m not suffering! Don’t you get that?” // “Trevor brushed his fingers over the spot on his leg Jesse had touched, closing his eyes…” // “My favorite memory?” // “You’ve cheated me out of nothing, and you’ve given me everything. Don’t you see that?” // “So when you are ready, I promise you I won’t be far away.” // “Mostly about how I wish we could stay here forever.” // “…something that’s just our own.” // “Two can play at that game, Mr. Byrne.” // “Yeah? Well, the stars are gonna see me kiss you, Mr. Estes.” // “That’s right. I’m here now.” // “So this is what it felt like to have everything he’d ever wanted.” // “I don’t want ‘better… I want you.” …
