A review by miztrebor
A Prescription for Delirium by Noree Cosper


*This is a review of an ARC received from the author.

Months ago I had the chance to read Cosper’s short story “The Flower of Hell” from the Paramourtal collection of short stories that she was included in. It was a great story that introduced me to the character Gabriella di Luca and the world of Noree’s book A Prescription For Delirium. While it’s not a necessary step to take before reading this novel, reading “The Flower of Hell” increased my already large curiosity for Prescription.

In this novel, Cosper has set up a detailed world of demon hunting, family legacies, and a great cast of characters.

To be completely honest I know almost nothing about the world of demons, or much of the supernatural in general that this novel deals with. It’s because of that, that I say Cosper was able to in a way teach me the ways of this world effectively through Gabriella’s character. Gabriella is a centuries old human with a curse. She’s been around for a long time hunting various demons. She knows things. The Van Helsing brothers of this current generation, they know next to nothing compared to her. This teacher student relationship made it easy to learn with the characters.

What I enjoyed about the characters was that they weren’t all buddy-buddy as a team. Just because one of them tells the other something it didn’t mean that it would be believed. Despite the main conflict of hunting down the devil, Ose, the inner struggles of the group often come into play. This lead to many sections of non-stop reading. There was also a good balance between the back story given for some characters and back story that was withheld. While I’d like to have known a bit more about a few of them, I also understand that details will unfold as the series comes along. An author can’t tell everything in the first book.

I feel that Cosper has a vast understanding of the supernatural world, its history, and an imagination to alter it to her needs. That is a key strength of this novel. There are also a variety of horror elements in here from delusions to “real” horrific scenes battling demons. Cosper has established a series that will be on my to be read list for years to come. I’m intrigued to know where it will go from here. All I know is that there’s danger in store. It’s hiding around every corner for Gabriella and her companions.