A review by buttontapper
Team Bff: Race to the Finish! #2 by Stacia Deutsch


These books are super cute, and definitely reminiscent of The Baby-Sitters Club, which were a favorite of mine when I was young. The second book in the "Girls Who Code" series, this one even hinges on a baby-sitter related problem, so the comparison is apt.

Unlike some of the weird reviewers who are railing against the diversity in the book's characters (I guess you only want to see white boys in a coding club?), I really love the fact that each of these girls has her own unique personality, quirks and foibles, and that the main theme of the stories is always about building friendships despite your differences.

I would've loved to see more coding happening outside of the Hackathon itself (Leila's idea for the Babysitter 3000 made me laugh), but I'm sure that in future books this will begin to happen more and more as the girls' skills continue to grow. Looking forward to reading more of these books in the future!