A review by gabieowleyess
Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen


Full Review from my blog Owl Eyes Reviews

I am trying my hardest to work through my owned TBR shelf this summer. This book was among the many that I own that I haven’t read. For some reason, I’ve been putting this one off for a while. I tend to do that with books that I own quite often. My thought process is that with books that I own quite often. My thought process is that if I own a book than I can wait to read it. This is not so great for my growing TBR. I’m glad I picked up this book because it was good.

I was nervous about this book because I watched the movie a long time ago. Usually when I watch the movie of a book before reading it, I have a hard time enjoying the book because I know everything that is going to happen. Since I watched the movie of this book so long ago, I didn’t really go through that too much. It was a good story but it didn’t go past good.