A review by beckymmoe
Deadly Odds by Adrienne Giordano


Yay! A new series by Adrienne Giordano :)

I have to admit, what I know about gambling would fit on the head of a pin. A very, very small pin. I went to a casino once with my mother while we were in the Bahamas--we played a quarter slot machine once each and then left with no desire to return or do more. So the world in which this series is set is completely foreign to me, though I've read (and loved) Sarah MacLean's The Rules of Scoundrels series and adored the Ocean's Eleven movies. (The George Clooney version, obvs.) However, that didn't stop me from loving the story, its characters, and yes, even the setting.

(Though I finally Googled "mini bac" at about the 2/3 point. I had no clue what on earth it could possibly be, it had become increasingly clear that it was going to be of some importance for the plot. It refers to mini baccarat, apparently. It's a kind of card game--though I at least had that much sussed out on my own!)

So it was safe to say I wasn't going to be figuring out the solution to the "suspense" part of this one solo--though I was all over the "romantic" portion of the story! ;)

Despite my ignorance of casinos and how cheating might be carried out in them, I had a lot of fun reading this first-in-the-series book. I loved both Kate and Ross, and Ross's coworkers (his assistant Marcia, who rules the office with an iron fist and Don, the head of casino security) were absolutely awesome. I'd sign up for the rest of series based on the camaraderie of those three alone--four, if Kate will ditch her loser boss and consent to join their team. Each and every time Don offered to make Kate his "number four" I just had to smile. Because yeah, the guy's a charmer. His old-school sexism aside.

But Ross...now that man's a whole 'nother story. And when he's together on the page with Kate? The sparks are definitely flying. Now if they can just figure out who's managing to cheat the casino--preferably before anyone else gets killed--they might have a chance at an actual relationship and not get fired...

Anxiously awaiting book two! I can't wait to see where this series is going to go :)

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A-

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.