A review by wanderlustlover
Big Girl by Meg Elison


Summer 2021 (June);
2021 Hugo Nominee

This story is such a well-done horror story that could so easily become a reality. The world looks down on overweight people, while they are encouraged and required to search after miracle cures and diets to solve it, or to live in the enraged/disgusted of the eyes of others, with no true and happy middle ground to be found especially in America. The ostracism and wrestling with self is so painful clear and honest.

It's chilling how easily this could come to be in the current-times, with the erasure of over weight people (even the point of skinny people taking "the pill" in the story to make sure they could never gain weight), but so was the point of everyone suddenly looking the same, becoming carbon copies of each other, and how society would brand together to suddenly outlaw being fat. How it would suddenly become this riskque, speakeasy fetish of the rare and impossible.